Doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf
Doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf

This development was made possible by the introduction of the Health Practitioner Regulation National Law, which replaced state-based regulation of medical practitioners with national registration by the Medical Board of Australia. The new framework marked a major step towards greater national consistency in intern training. In 2014, the Australian Medical Council (AMC) implemented a national framework for medical internship on behalf of the Medical Board of Australia. More information on the key changes to the Framework and the full Framework documents are available here. PGY2 components can be implemented flexibly across 20 by postgraduate medical councils and health services. PGY1 components are to be implemented in 2024. The AMC has published the revised Framework documents. The website will be updated with the latest news and information on review progress. The review will conducted in two stages over 2019 – 2021. This is a comprehensive review of all the elements of the Framework. Information about the framework is below.

doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf

The National Framework for Medical Internship describes standards for the intern year linked to the registration standard. The AMC has conducted a comprehensive review of all the elements of the National Framework for Prevocational Medical Training (formerly, National Framework for Medical Internship) in 2019 – 2021. National Framework for Prevocational (PGY1 & PGY2) Medical Training is under review National Framework for Prevocational (PGY1 & PGY2) Medical Training

Doctors in training step 2 2014 pdf